Mission & Vision (Eng.)
Mission Statement McAlister High School faculty and staff are dedicated to providing a physically and emotionally safe and protected environment for pregnant and parenting students while ensuring a rigorous academic curriculum and support that embraces community by offering aid and mentorship to foster healthy relationships by promoting empowerment, resilience, and autonomy.
Vision Statement
McAlister High School believes in celebrating the duality of adolescence and parenthood by recognizing the labor involved with navigating multiple competing identities and challenges students confront as they care for themselves and others while thriving academically, socially, and emotionally.
The McAlister Schoolwide Student Learning Outcomes are the following:
Students will be able to apply higher-order thinking skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation to make informed life decisions that demonstrate healthy, responsible parenting behavior and develop a strategy to set and achieve educational, personal, and career goals.
Students will be able to locate, organize, evaluate and supply information that will help them to support themselves and their children and become productive community members.
Students will be able to apply content knowledge and critical thinking skills to adapt to a rapidly changing environment in which they can express complex ideas in writing and speaking gained through a rigorous and relevant curriculum.